Hi fellow friends! Thanks for checking out my blog! How was everyone's Valentines Day? Maybe if you want you could give a comment about it! Have a waffle-panda-thriving Thursday!
Showing posts from February, 2013
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As a pk, (pastors' kid) I learn the principle values of; pride, friendliness, and staying up late:-). It's wonderful bringing lives to Christ and fun hanging around with teenagers, but what I learn most of all, (besides bringing people to Christ) I learn about how to handle pride. Some people brag of what their dad does for work, or how much money they have, or even they get to stay up later than others. But I have learned that just because you or your friend might have more, that doesn't mean they are better than you. They just have a bigger amount in that area. Everyone has something special about them, whether it is a sport, or in a job, or even in the amount in money. The second thing I learned is friendliness to people. Ok, I have to admit, I was shy when I was little. But the past year or so I learned that you don't have to be afraid to try to talk to someone new. It turns out pretty fun sometimes! A new friend is awesome! P.S. About the staying up lat...
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Now that you know me, you should meet my sisters... Kelsey-9 (Kelly Grace) Brianna-7 (Bria) Allison-5 (Ally) Angelina-2 (Angel) and then of course, Candice-10 This is our family pic of 2012. Even though we look like one happy family, there are some little things that happen...if ya know what I mean. If you read in the 'old posts' on the bottom it shows another pic of me and 'Angel'and a story. Thanks for checking out my blog!
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My mom and I have the best in memories. One imperticular is when she took me on a walk and told me some things. You might hold a grudge against your mom. (You might of expected me to say that's ok, but its not:-l.) So I have come to tell you how to try to avoid doing that. (not avoiding your mom but the argument). 1. Don't argue back (trust me, it happens)but be as flexible as possible with the day. Because saying "Awe, mom I don't want to do that..." won't help your life one bit! 2. Try not to blow it by spilling your drink or salsa at the table...that in mom code says;'Oops! Hheh, ugh, mom I want to be grounded for my life so I am about to spill my drink.' Oh boy, are you asking for it. (that might not be what your mom or my mom does, but it does mean that you might want to be extra 3. It's OK to have a tragic monster come into your room every once in awhile, but it isn't ok to leave the monster's footprints there for more than...