Thankful for my baby sister!

> This week my baby sister, Angel (age 2), was in the hospital with respitory issues for three days. She made it out okay and I am thankful for her. I love her. Even though sometimes she comes in my room and gets into things, she still is important to me. One day I even saved her life when she was choking on apples. Ever since then I have been thinking, "What if I had not been there for her?!" "What if she had choked and no one saw her?!" You may have not saved your sister's life from a life-threatening issue, but that is no excuse for not being there for them in other situations. They need you! And God sent them in your family for a purpose!


  1. You bet! Even though it's hard to love someone who can be annoying sometimes! I think they are a blessing! It just shows the diffrence between love and enemy. If girls grow up not loving their siblings, then when a sibling needs help or needs someone to turn to there is no one because they always think their sister does not like them. It especially happens when the sister is older than another sibling. -Candice

  2. How old are you in that pic you look REALLY YONG !?!:o
    - Mugmug Also known as Meghan G.

  3. Oh! That was in 2012! I knew soomething looked different but I was covered up and you couldn't really see my bangs! I know! Did you think I look better WITH bags or WITHOUT bangs??? My dad thinks I look better with my bangs to the side. I like both but it's hard to decide.

  4. hmmmmm.... I don't know! Oh well!!!:)

  5. Candice do ya think we cold do the thing were we talk at the same time online tomorrow on Jan. 19 2013 at eleven a.m.? Just wondering it sounded really fun to me!!
    - Mugmug

  6. Change that to the 21/13/1! ok :)

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Mugmug! So sorry I have not been writing but some computer problems came up and I had to wait it out. I would love to! Would today work around 1:00??

  8. Wait, why don't we try to meet on Saturday the 25 at three p.m. sharp!
    P.S.I might be late but I will try my best! I hope it works!!! :)

  9. OH NO! I AM SO SORRY!!!! This is the first time I have checked this post in awhile!! Would today work?? If so, what time?


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