My baby sister!!!! I love that pic of her. She makes me smile! Just today she was playing with her toy phone and told me she was 'texting!' I was so tickled by that! just think, a two year old wants to text on her plastic phone!!! Ha!


  1. She is SOOO adorable! That is pretty funny I mean its not every day you see a two year old texting! :O :)
    - Mugmug also known as Meghan galindo

  2. WHOOPS! Sorry I forgot to capitalize the G in Galindo!

  3. Hi Candice, I LOVE your blog. You are doing a great job with it and I'm SO proud of you!!!

    Love, Dad

  4. Oh that's ok! How are you doing in Memory Master?? My hardest subjuct is geography pointing it out on the map! I was thinking of handing more invites out tonight! More girls should come check it out! Thanks for replying to my posts and sending messages! I always look forward to hearing your emails! I can't wait any longer until Sunday!!

  5. I know time seems to go slow as a slug, I wish Sunday would HURRY UP!!!!!!! :)
    - Mugmug

  6. My hardest subject is probably doing the multiplication flash cards in math. :(


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