Snowed Inn

You never know when a tragic event such as snowed in at home with a fire and Christmas movies will come.

Actually in the moment I am living it up with a foot of snow in my backyard. Eating pumpkin bread or doing an art project can be refreshing after a busy week of busy days which have been leading up to busy hours then busy minutes and seconds:-)

You might be snowed in your 'inn' as well and looking for something to do! Here are some ideas to help you be productive wherever you are in the world!

1. Make an exercise sheet and work out using soup cans for weights, or jumping on your bed!
2. Write a story about The Girl Who Got Snowed In.
3. Play Girl Lost In Snow outside using your dirty coat pretending you're poor with no home.
4. Write a letter to one of your close friends explaining how you feel a close connection with the snow.
5. Dress up your dolls or pets and play a game.
6. Keep commenting on trendsettergirls and Candice will write back-I am Candice:-0
7. Make a pie out of snow.
8. Sell the pie.
9. Take the money from the pie you sold and buy some more snow outside.
10. You don't have to follow any of these if you don't want to.

Thanks for coming to the blog!


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