A Spontaneous Getaway!

Welcome to the blog!

Having a great weekend?! Write down below and share!

My family and I had a spontaneous getaway! Starting with my dad's canceled flight to Boston, and missing an entire school day for me and my sisters, our family drove to Branson MO yesterday. Our afternoon/this morning looked something like this;

-shopping at the outlets
-going to pizza world
-snuggling in our Lakehouse
-getting up and going to SDC
-(living it up)
and now, I am about to leave for my friend Katie's party!!!!

HAPPY LATE BDAY KATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12YRS :-)

Have you ever been to Silver Dollar City? if so, what is your favorite ride?? Look forward to more posts on how to occupy your time and how to make yourself feel embarrassed.
(it isn't as bad as it sounds) lol

Have a great day!


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