No Worries!

In my elementary years I never thought that when I reached the year I turned 13 it would be a downer.
EVERYONE pictures teenagers differently, and I want to redefine an "average teen" as these three words...

1 Confident
2 A person who never gets enough of The Lord
3 Someone who's not too self aware but cares about their attitude and takes care of their body.

You may be 8, or you may be 18, but whatever age, you don't have to grow up.
You can ALWAYS grow spiritually, or mentally, or physically, but never be too old to
"get in the sandbox again" like some people who don't. Some grow too fast...think about it.
You have only 216 months until you are an adult for an average of 480 months.

I was concerned at first because I had heard so much of teens into stuff and I was beginning to think that every teen would face on of the three. But I was wrong.

One day, my grandmother sat me down and told me all about how her teen years were the funnest years of her life. I was stunned! How could you have so much fun with school, peer pressure, parents, siblings, sports, driving, and more?

I know that The Lord is going to use me through these next seven years.

He WILL use you too, mightily!

If you are nervous about becoming a teenager then don't worry! There's hope:-)

(i recommend reading the book of Ecclesiastes!)


  1. your doing a great job with your blog keep it up:) how have you been? hows kelly grace's blog doing? have a great day!

    -Nicole :) :) :)

  2. Hi!!!!! Love your blog!!! What is Kelly's blog? Bye!


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