Easter: Denying the Truth

After Jesus resurrected, he attempted to get reacquainted with His disciples. But what surprise-as we read how some did not believe their own teacher-whom they believed was the Son of God!
This contradiction couldn't have been more comical. Besides, Jesus already prophicied His resurrection before His death. We do the same thing that the disciples of Jesus fell in to. The trap is called denial. (I bet you are trying to deny this:) We can deny a number of areas...like careers, marriage, guilt, and selfishness. Some of us even deny we struggle with denial!
 But God didn't leave us on earth to struggle.

God tells us to reveal our sins and struggles and accept healing. Jesus brings restoration.
So what areas in your life need revealing? Personally, i know that i need to stop denying my procrastination and delay. Step back and take a look at your life. What do you see?


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