Easter: Inwardly Passive, Outwardly Happy
Yet, as you pass out invitation cards for the Easter service, something inside of you just isn't right.
You've probably heard the story of Jesus raised from the dead.
You've also probably go to church on Easter.
You've most likely even brought someone to church on Easter.
But this year might seem different to you.
While this event is commercialized, we are taught to remember the true meaning of Easter. As for me, every Easter that goes by makes me feel less passionate about it! But why is this??? Two reasons.
Maybe your life feels like...
1: Too Much Fun- (There's no need for God!)
Maybe your life seems so perfect and fun, you feel like God is only for the hurting people. Maybe you feel like everything that goes on is just fine without kneeling by your bed at night.
Who do you think gave you all of this? Your parents? You???
Who do you think created you? God is blessing your life right now. He gave you these blessings so you could go and tell others about his love. Easter is that time of the year to thank God for all he has done in your life. Praise God in the good and bad times. Imagine your life if Jesus decided not to die on the cross. Imagine being separated from him forever. Easter is to remind us of God's faithfulness and love. How can you reach out to others at this time? Enjoy your life for what it is now, and celebrate the freedom we have. Never put your trust in earthly possessions.
You can't take your phone or credit card to heaven, not even your car. But God promises us, he has treasures in heaven awaiting our arrival! So don't take Easter as the perfect time to eat unlimited candy, or an excuse to wear your new spring outfit. Remember that God has blessed you. Praise God for all of the things he has done, is doing, and about to do!
2: Too Much Hurt- (God has no need for me!)
Maybe your life seems like a mess. Maybe God is this figure that's only for the "good people". Maybe Easter seems like a big joke. As a matter of fact, Jesus came for the hurting people.
Jesus, unlike me, demonstrated an act of true love by dying for us. Now is the time to thank him. People commercialized this event so you and me could be blinded and forget about the true meaning. Just like Christmas, this event has the ability to get wrapped up in pretty packaging to fit what you want easter to be. Hurting people is what we truly are, in some area or the other. Easter would be a joke if it was only a day to celebrate bunnies and chocolate! Easter is so much deeper. This is your opportunity to have a one-on-one connection with Christ. Tell him what you are going through. The Bible says that Jesus felt every burden and sin on the cross- which means he felt what you are going through. Don't blow this event off, accept it.
Some people might feel outwardly happy, because of the excitement and fun. But on the inside, feel passive towards what God is trying to speak to you. I challenge you to take time today to ask God for a fresh perspective. Don't blow away your happy feelings. You don't have to fake a smile either! Keep a focus on what He has for you.
Easter is so much hype we forget what it truly is about.
To end today's note, ask yourself these questions...
1: Am I being inwardly passive towards what God has for my life?
2: Am I pretending to ignore the hurt I feel?
3: How can I celebrate Easter without being wrapped up in the hype?
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