5 Keys to a Happy Summer

It's summer Y'ALL!!!

Look back at your year...how have you changed? What new friendships did you make? How much have you achieved? Whatever it might've been like, now is the time to put on your extravert self and jump in the pool! 

1: Step Back. Take some time away from stressful things: electronics, confusing books, cold showers, early mornings, late nights, etc. Maybe for you its missing a scroll through Social Media to take a nature walk, or swimming with a friend instead of snap-chatting her. Give it some thought! God wants us to be refreshed...so don't feel guilty if you sleep past 8, or eat breakfast in your pajamas😆

2: Organize. Summer is the time to get done what you want to during the school year.
-Organize your drawers.
-Vacuum your room.
-Clear the porch leaves for your mom.
-Dust your room.
-Clean your shower.
-Get rid of that item that keeps bothering you!
For me, it felt good to change my sheets and switch some things around in my room. If you think organization happiness just comes from your own territory, think again. I have found personally that you can find equal (if not more) happiness by helping with other parts of the home. Is your mom looking for design ideas in the kitchen? Give some ideas! Is your dad looking for help in his tool shed? Volunteer your free time! You'll find yourself enjoying others and the home when you do more than your part.

3: Try something new! Try a camp! Or a sport! Or a dance workshop! Or a new hairstyle! Get creative. Buy a fish at Walmart...or paint your room. Don't overdue it and ruin your newly organized room, but see to it that anything annoying in the room is out for good. Keep it that way! 

4: Plan ahead.  Get a calendar to hang behind your door, or in your bathroom. Write at least a month ahead of things you know will happen. Or, if you prefer a more convenient option like me, just write all the important things you forget on your phone calendar. Is it a habit to forget what weekend the swim meets are and aren't on? Write it down. Also, Make a list of things you want to accomplish before school starts. What makes you most tense in August? Not enough pencils? A lack of shoes? Forgetting lunch money? Strategize your battle plan. How is this year going to be different?
-Could I take a summer job for some extra spending money?
-Would I prepare for school a week early so I'm not stressed?
-Should I make a daily schedule for myself?

5: Stay refreshed.  Keep your body healthy. Drink water, and eat fresh  fruit and vegetables. Don't slack on your time with The Lord. Make an effort to read the Bible and talk with Him. Stretch every morning and you will have a better day! Have one-on-one time with your mom or dad. Connect with a sibling and do something fun. Just like organizing, when you refresh others you will be refreshed.

P.S. If you are an avid writer like me, buy a journal and start keeping track of your daily outings OR your spiritual walk with God. In the fall, you'll be able to look back and smile!

Enjoy summer!!!


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