Sharing Jesus With Your School

There's always cliques; the track kids, cheerleaders, nerds, gothic kids, misfits, you name it! There's always groups of teenagers who dress the same and go everywhere together. They might bully you just because you're not like them. Or, maybe they pressure you into doing stuff you don't believe in.

Whatever it is, there's a reason God has put you in the school you're in. It has nothing to do with your dad's job-that you had to go to that school-or that your family lives right beside it. He put you in that school to make a difference in one teenager's life...or make a difference in the whole school!

How do you start? Right where you're at. Be who God created you to be. Here are some do's and don't s when your ready to start sharing hope.

-Sit by the new girl at school and have a conversation without making it awkward.
-Be open and kind when the cheerleaders say bad words deliberately.
-Lead by example in the bus, hallways, and after-school activities.
-Talk openly about your faith without being pushy.
-Live by example when facing temptation.

-Wear a Christian tee shirt everyday and pass out tracks.
-Always wear headphones in the hallways to block out the bad music.
-Rebuke the football team when they go off on a rampage.
-Break into the office and sing "Hallelujah" on the loud speaker before lunch.
-Isolate yourself from the school just because they're "too worldly."Because non-christians are going to act a lot like non-christans!

Try some Do's at school when you're ready to share hope with people who God placed in front of you. Don't isolate yourself because you're worried about what other people will think. The kid who always wears black might not like being who he\she is like today. He\she might be craving kindness, or respect. He\she might do it to help bandage the wound in his\her heart. Be that person who steps out and loves in a Christlike way.

In 10 years from now, more people may well remember the weird girl who stood for purity, never dated, had cheap clothing, went home after the championship game, and loved Lord with all her heart. There's nothing weird about it. Go from being that Christian to that Christian!


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