
Showing posts from March, 2016


Everyone has a different style. But by glancing around my world, I noticed a few new techniques... TOP 10 SPRING ABSTRACT TIPS (Pick and choose, not all work for everyone) 1: Short hair. Long hair is good too, but hair (falling down on your shoulders) is really standing out. Try straightening or curling or waving it instead of just plain down. 2: Coral and light blue colors in clothes AND decorating! Try it! 3: Handmade bracelets, necklaces, etc. It's a great way to get asked about an organization you support. For instance, wear a necklace supporting a cause, and you just might get asked where people can find one! 4: Fish. Getting a fishy or two can brighten up your room, and give you a companion! They're easy to care for, inexpensive, and lovable! 5: Lists. Lists can help you organize messes into miracles. Just grab your phone and write! OR, do it in the vintage way which is more fun...grab a piece of paper and an orange thing called a pencil! 6: Storage ben...


Easter's services have ended, but the story never stops being told. As we press on through our last weeks of school, you might find yourself frustrated with your lifestyle. For example, maybe your room hasn't been cleaned in years, or your wardrobe just seems to be getting smaller. Whatever it is, there is hope!!!  Today's SPRING MADNESS TIPS are:  1: Take 30 minutes of your day and push all the junk into the center of your room. Then turn on music, set a timer, and knock it out!  2:  Look up two new hairstyles and try them out on her head.  3: Run around your house three times, while listening to your favorite song. See if any of these helps!

Easter: The Silent Day

Saturday . This is the day between the crucifixion, and the resurrection...of course, people didn't know it back then. Jesus has now left His friends on Earth, and ascended into heaven. During this time, Satan thought he won. He thought he defeated the one and only hope for us that would ever come! But he didn't. Jesus came back and defeated death . Imagine you are one of many friends of Jesus. You just watched an unmerciful crucifixion, and also witnessed His burial. Now, you glumly walk back towards your home. Your spirit is solemn. You feel irritable, wrongly accused, and broken-hearted. Not even your other friends can cheer you up. BUT WAIT!!! Then you remember the prophecy! Jesus had told you earlier, that He would rise from the dead in three days! But how do you know its true? Didn't He just die himself? Words and thoughts are swirling around in your head...and just to add to the weekend, it is the passover. I bet Jesus' friends were extremely confused an...

Easter: With Everything

With God, nothing is impossible. Therefor we worship Him with everything that we have. With everything, we will lift our voices. We will raise our hands in surrendering ourselves to Him. With everything, we will fight the spiritual supernatural war-the war we cannot see-but the war we can feel. With God, we have victory. Therefor we put our hope in Him. With everything we have, we praise Him and put our trust in His name. We will put our victory in His hands. With everything, we show others what He has done for us. Because with God, nothing is impossible.

Easter: Agenda Overload

We've all been there- you make a picture perfect plan, wait for it to play out, and it doesn't. That's why God says in the Bible that we are not perfect creations. (In the sense of decisions, not as beings) Easter is a time to be CELEBRATING, but maybe you have too many plans that this whole thing could unravel... Maybe you have an idea of what this Easter is going to look like. My advice for you, is the perfect-well-dressed-family-going-to-church-on-time might not play out perfectly. The truth is, every family will have some sort of trouble or difficulty on Sunday, because Satan will try is best to ruin the most important day of the year. Be ready to fight to get to church! Church is important, and Satan knows how true it is-that is why Christianity is one of the most hated religions. Have you noticed a common-denominator? Jews and Christians seem to be persecuted worldwide. Satan never says, "Hey! Let's attack the Muslims, or people who follow Hinduism!...

Easter: Resting through Races

Ahh...a rest day like to no other-until something comes up! Everyday there will be challenges and hardships, just remember that God is with you every step of the way!

Easter: Your Own Life

Imagine what it would be like if you were never born. Would the world be different? No doubt it would. Every girl has a specific role in her world, and not one role is more important than another. God chose YOU  to be apart of His plan. Don't feel that important? Here's why. ⬇️                                                                                                    Satan is against all of God's work.                                                                                             ...

Easter: Denying the Truth

After Jesus resurrected, he attempted to get reacquainted with His disciples. But what surprise-as we read how some did not believe their own teacher-whom they believed was the Son of God! This contradiction couldn't have been more comical. Besides, Jesus already prophicied His resurrection before His death. We do the same thing that the disciples of Jesus fell in to. The trap is called denial. (I bet you are trying to deny this:) We can deny a number of careers, marriage, guilt, and selfishness. Some of us even deny we struggle with denial!  But God didn't leave us on earth to struggle. God tells us to reveal our sins and struggles and accept healing. Jesus brings restoration. So what areas in your life need revealing? Personally, i know that i need to stop denying my procrastination and delay. Step back and take a look at your life. What do you see?

Easter: Let's Celebrate!

A gift. For you. Open it! Without making this post an extremely long lecture, let me dive in to your benefits through the Easter season. Easter is a word to sum up Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. But how does that benefit us? Without his resurrection...there would be no bridge to heaven. This miracle that Jesus did for us was the only way we wouldn't have to dread death. So why do people still fear dying??? Two reasons. 1: The way they die (tragedy) 2: Where they go (Heaven or Hell) If a person has not chosen to be a Christian, then these two reasons are understandable. However, if you are saved, then why worry about death? But, then do you know for sure if you are going to Heaven??? Three ways. 1: Forgiven . If you prayed the sinner's prayer, YOU ARE SAVED. 2: Set free . In the Bible, God says, " He whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!" 3: Committed . Although we all make mistakes, if you are still following The Lord, you aren...

Easter: The Final Word

Easter has so many elements, but no one can have a service without PEOPLE.  Just as a game of tag means nothing without players, or an orchestra without instruments, no one can share the Good News without lost souls. So why is that relevant? Our mission is to reach the unsaved. While this statement is overused, they're out there! Kids like you haven't felt what true joy feels like . They haven't experienced what its like to be loved. And worst yet, they most likely have never been told that there is a Heaven and Hell. What if you spent your entire life not knowing about the supernatural world? What if you died, and nobody ever had the courage to tell you the truth? That's how it is for some people. The only reason your heart is still beating is because at least one person-somewhere in the world-is waiting on you to deliver the message. This person could be in South Africa, Macedonia, India, or your neighbor...and the only reason their heart is still beating is to ...

Easter: Relying on the Stage

Lights go black. Smoke goes out. Music starts blaring... Everyone enjoys a good concert! But why do we get wrapped up in the hype and not the spirit? The hype of something and the spirit of something are two different terms. When a "spirit" is in the air, people can feel the presence of either good or evil. They can notice a spirit of secularity, a spirit of joy, or a spirit of burdens. God's presence is something people cannot ignore-and this is related to spirits in a room.  But not everyone feels a spirit in the air at once. When "hype" is in the air, people can feel active and energetic. You'll notice lots of men and women on adrenalin- caught up in the moment. Hype can be used as a show. Being "hyped" could mean your pumped up about something. It could mean during the concert you scream-or jump-or shout! Hype can lead to post emotional let down (once the event ends). Despite there differences, they can both be good, yet both be b...

Easter: Inwardly Passive, Outwardly Happy

Candy. Bunnies. Pink and green. Egg hunts. Family. Church...who wouldn't love Easter?! Yet, as you pass out invitation cards for the Easter service, something inside of you just isn't right.  You've probably heard the story of Jesus raised from the dead. You've also probably go to church on Easter. You've most likely even brought someone to church on Easter. But this year might seem different to you. While this event is commercialized, we are taught to remember the true meaning of Easter. As for me, every Easter that goes by makes me feel less passionate about it! But why is this??? Two reasons. Maybe your life feels like... 1: Too Much Fun- (There's no need for God!) Maybe your life seems so perfect and fun, you feel like God is only for the hurting people. Maybe you feel like everything that goes on is just fine without kneeling by your bed at night. Who do you think gave you all of this? Your parents? You??? Who do you think created you? G...

God's Amazing Creation

Have you ever EXPLORED the outdoors??? I know Meg has. My friend Meg loves the outdoors- and my sister and I are inspired by her creativity and imagination. A secret world in open view Awhile the wind and rain A secret world in open view Hence will call us by name. I dare you to get out of your shell and explore!

God's Amazing Creation

Have you ever looked around you at things you've never seen before? I have. There are things in my own backyard I never paid attention to until now! Trees, for example, are something we overlook every day. In fact, there is no ordinary tree... 1: Trees give us oxygen to breathe. 2: Trees provide shelter. 3: You can climb on them. 4: Without trees, you can't have a tree swing! 5: Kindling, furniture, toys, etc. 6: Christmas trees. (Non-plastic) 7: Flooring. 8:  Architectural designing of homes. 9: Landscaping. 10: Housing of birds. Look for ways you can appreciate one of God's Amazing Creations in your daily basis!